COVID-19 Policies
Tours & Planning Appointments:
If you are interested in touring Sleepy Ridge, please make an appointment. We can answer any questions and schedule appointments over the phone or through email.
Prevention Policies:
We are conducting regular and frequent disinfecting of all high-touch areas.
All Sleepy Ridge staff body temperatures are checked before each shift to ensure no abnormal body temperatures. Any employee(s) with abnormal body temperatures will be sent home.
We are reinforcing illness prevention procedures to all Sleepy Ridge staff as recommended by the health community. Including: frequent hand washing, avoiding contact with eyes, nose, and mouth. Sleepy Ridge is also adhering to social distancing procedures.
Masks are required as per Utah Mandate for all weddings, events, guests and staff.
Hand sanitizer is encouraged and provided upon entrance and exit of venue.
We are encouraging lower guest counts and families who come together, sit together.